We have some mixed feelings about our return to Oregon. It is great to see old friend and there really is no other state in the union that is as beautiful. At the same time, it is hard not to despair about the draconian land use laws (we are thinking of buying a house), the state of education in the state (the homeschool students in our old ESD scored at around the 70th percentile while the government schoolers scored WAY lower–why do they let the ESD have ANYTHING to do with this), the taxes, the immoral nature of the drug, abortion and end of life laws in the state, the rain, etc. I went down to Oregon State University last week to work with some of their faculty on a project and it became VERY apparent that the level of education in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina was at a complete different and higher level. Still, I love my new job, I love my friends and family, and am looking forward to being here again for awhile.

Betty Blonde #258 – 07/15/2009
Betty Blonde #258
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