I have some more great (and pretty hard) questions to answer (the first of which is here), but I started my new job today and do not have the time to do them justice, so I have decided to point out a post Luke put up over at the Sonlight blog about “real life.” The post talks about a college graduate working in a grocery store. It is a great post that makes some great points and it made me think of conversations I have over the last while with the kids. The point was that success is not something at which you arrive. What one does at any given time in life is a success as long as it is on the path laid down by God. The trick is to have a close enough connection with God to know the difference. Sometimes we let our own ideas about where we should be in life get in the way of going where God wants us to go.

Betty Blonde #254 – 07/09/2009
Betty Blonde #254
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