For technical reasons that have to do with the fact that I switched to Opera from Firefox because the people at Firefox are overtly anti-Christian, I missed a great post by the Numbers Guy that came out in the Wall Street Journal a few days ago. The article, Tips for More Tips: Waitresses Who Draw Smiley Faces Make More Money, is about some things that waitresses (notice I did not use the politically correct “waitpersons”) can do to maximize their tips. I read the article and REALLY liked it. It dawned on me that the advice given to waitresses to earn more tips, if done sincerely, can be encapsulated in the advice Jesus gave to “do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is not the advice to not do unto others those things you would not want to do unto yourself, but the more active version that requires one to take the initiative to good rather than NOT take action to avoid evil (although that is good, too). Do things that are nice. It is a uniquely Christian admonition. Here are three of my favorites (visit the article to see the rest):

  • Tell customers that good weather is on the way
  • Touch customers briefly on the arm or shoulder
  • Write “Thank You” on the check

Betty Blonde #151 – 02/12/2009
Betty Blonde #151
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