Anyone who has read this blog for any time at all knows I am skeptical of government school systems’ ability to provide consistently adequate education. I know it is possible to get a great teacher or two who can beat the system into submission well enough to teach kids what they need to move on to the next grade but that is rare enough that some never get a great teacher. A lot of people get that. So, there is a phenomenon that occurs when those who believe homeschooling is better, but for whatever reason cannot or do not do it meet those who do. We all know there are a LOT of good reasons to have your kid in government or private school. You are better at knowing your own kids needs and your own family situation than anyone else. There is a blog post that describes the phenomenon that was on Luke’s aggregator a couple of days ago titled Quit Judging Me for Judging You. The money quote from the article is this:

…I’m not judging you for making different choices. I’m just trying to keep my own Crazy Train on the tracks.

Betty Blonde #147 – 02/06/2009
Betty Blonde #147
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