"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Returning to sanity after graduation

Day 995 of 1000

All the guests are gone back to Oregon.  Kelly is hard at work on her summer projects for her professor.  Christian has started preparation for his summer Partial Differential Equations graduate class.  Lorena is hard at work making sure the house is ready to show at a moments notice.  My flight to Arizona on Wednesday was delayed long enough that I had to fly out yesterday, promptly lost my luggage and am scheduled to work through the weekend.  In the midst of all this we are all trying to find new places to live out West and are finding out it is not that easy. Nothing really seems too settled right now.  We can all hardly wait to get back to more controlled lives.

Betty Blonde #115 – 12/24/2008
Betty Blonde #115
Click here or on the image to see full size strip.


Kelly receives her diploma from NCSU 2014


Our ten year plan is coming to a conclusion


  1. Jon

    Patience is a virtue, though unsettled, doubting, strange;
    A necessary quality in pauses, during change.

    When we’ve prayed and said we’re going,
    Hoping all will soon work out,
    We can trust the One All-knowing
    That it’s faith we need, not clout!

    We’ve looked around, it’s felt so right,
    And sure we’re moving on,
    We’ve prepped and packed from morn to night,
    Yet worried until dawn…

    That maybe this and maybe that,
    And who knows if… and then,
    Imagine that! It’s all down pat:
    It’s Him who’ll show us when!

    He opens, closes at His will,
    It’s really not our choice,
    O’er all considerations now
    We wait to hear His voice.

    So trusting now, we’re learning how
    To go at Heaven’s pace,
    Then what’s revealed will sweet rest yield,
    A race, a Face, a place!

    Keep pluggin’! I actually thought that last one might come out something like no door will slam in our face, but it didn’t work! We’re Pullin’ for you. All will come to be as it should.

  2. Dad

    Jon, Thank you so much for this–I really needed it. What a great poem. We are thankful for so many who are on our side, especially our Father. I keep telling Lorena the timing is not ours, but His. I thought I knew something about the place, but I might be wrong. We could be needed for something where we are or need to be away from something where we want to be. It is all good. Your poem and encouragement are very much appreciated.

  3. Gene Conrad

    I sense that change is in the air over the next 3 to 5 years for our family as well. I get overwhelmed when I think about the total, but I have recently started to learn the joy of the little wins, each one a little seed for the future. You guys have done a great job planting daily seeds. Now you are entering the rainy season and there will be some mud, maybe a little thunder and lightening. Soon those seeds will start to sprout and grow and you will be reaping the blessings of the faithful field work you have been doing. Your family is an inspiration and I am excited to see how it all comes together. It will be excellent!

  4. Dad

    Thanks so much Gene. I have been wanting to have a call with you to find out what has been going on with you and your family. I know you are right in the middle of the most challenging part of raising a family and working way too hard. Maybe this weekend?

  5. Gene Conrad

    I would enjoy visiting with you anytime it works for you. Weekends work the best. Thanks for your interest.

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