I leave a pair of dress shoes and a Bible in my desk drawer at work so I do not have to haul them back and forth between Raleigh and Prescott. I do almost all of my Bible reading these days either on my computer or on my phone. So, when I am in Prescott, I run into work to grab my Bible and change into my dress shoes before I go to meeting. As is my morning habit, I grab a cup of hot Joe at the hotel on my way through the lobby. It is pretty good coffee, not that that is so important to me. Hot and bitter is about all I ever need. So that is why I find myself sitting at my desk at work in Prescott drinking a nice cup of coffee and writing on my blog as I wait to go to meeting.

Meeting is over for the family out on the East Coast.  Lorena and the kids are all together in the Atlanta area to attend the festivities around our friend Hannah’s high school graduation.  It surely sounds like they are having a great time.  The cool part is that Hannah will head out to Flagstaff to go to school in the fall and her parents have a house in the Phoenix area, so Christian will have some additional friends in the area when he moves out here.

I have quite a bit of alone time over the last few days and have to admit I have been somewhat frantic about figuring out what to do next.  We will be very busy for the next couple of months because we have to get the kids moved out West to their colleges, but after that things will slow down pretty dramatically. With now formal responsibilities for the kids homeschool or college anymore, it surely seems like I will have too much time on my hands. I see that slowdown coming fast and it has had me worried, but it dawned on me while I was drinking my coffee that it probably makes sense to take a little time and think about it before I jump into any new big projects.

I realize that I have a couple of really big work projects (GaugeCam and my day job), I am not going to be completely unoccupied. Lorena has stuff she wants to do, too.  She is getting very close to her degree and she might want to go to work or start a business.  At any rate, we have a big cross-country drive in the plans so we will certainly have a chance to talk.  I think we just need to slow down a little, drink some coffee together in the morning and take a little more time to do a little more planning than usual to help us decide what to do next.  I am not so good at taking things slow, but it seems like the right thing to do now.  It seems like a luxury really–when I take the time to smell the coffee and think about it.

Betty Blonde #119 – 12/30/2008
Betty Blonde #119
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