Day 820 of 1000 – Betty Blonde #5
Betty Blonde #3
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This blog post by Matt Walsh is stunningly good.  This is my second post in a row about something he has written.  Yesterday he wrote about consumerism vs. capitalism.  That is kind of a pet peeve with me.  That consumerism is bad, capitalism is good, and the two should never be conflated is something I never really articulated, but seems pretty important.  Walsh nails it.  Today, he writes about family leadership and a trap into which I often fall–joking about getting permission from “the boss” meaning my wife.  Like most guys in our culture, I had never given this much thought.  It almost seemed like an honoring thing, but Walsh is right, real men should never do it.  It is dishonoring.  There are a lot of people who will hate the article, but society needs men to be men and women to be women or we will continue to fall apart.  The article is worth a read and will resonate with men and women who want to do the right thing for their marriage, their family, and society.

Update:  Wow.  I went over to Matt Walsh’s facebook page to read some of the comments about this blog post.  Most of the people who commented were women and liked the post.  Still, there were a lot of women who hated the article, but had obviously read their own cultural bias into it.  Walsh explicit said that the husband is NOT the “boss” of the family, but the leader.  He goes on to say the husband is equal to his wife not above his wife.  Almost every objection was to a strawman: the husband should not be the boss or if the wife is more capable, she should be the boss.  I am getting more and more convinced that progressivism causes brain damage.