Day 802 of 1000

The kids are getting closer in their progress through the graduate school application process to assurance of acceptance to programs they really want.  It requires a lot of effort to apply to a lot of schools by everyone in the family.  Of course the kids do most of the ground work while Lorena and I review statements and resumes, do lots of running around for transcripts and other documents, and, most of all moral support.  It is amazing how much collaboration can take place these days using DropBox, Google Docs, Skype, and other such tools.   The Lorena and the kids are also in their last round of mid-terms.

In the middle of all this, Lorena and I have to start figuring out where we are going to live next.  If the kids both get into good programs out West we will move there as soon as we can sell the house.  Christian has given some thought to staying at NCSU for an additional year–there is a fifth year Masters degree in the Applied Math program.  If the decides to go West, then we are going to really have to scramble to figure out where we want to go and line everything up.