"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: November 29, 2012

Christian’s very cool English class video project

Christian interviewed Youngin for this video.  I think it came out great.

Christian's English 101 Video Homework

New job

Day 466 of 1000

Well, I resigned from my job in Charlotte today and accepted an offer to go for two companies, one in Durham, NC and one in Prescott, AZ.  I will spend about half my time at each place.  In six months or so, we hope that I will be able to spend only a quarter of my time in Arizona.  Actually, I am returning to work for a previous employer, Bioptigen, in North Carolina.  The company in Arizona, Quantum Catch, is affiliated with Bioptigen through a common investor.

Part of the reason I took the job out west is to be able to get to Portland more easily.  Mom has moved into an assisted living home where she can receive good care.  Dad is still living in their house in Portland, but things are changing fast.  With the kids heading into finals week to add to the mess, we have a pretty chaotic household.  Hopefully, that will calm down dramatically over the next month or so.

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