Day 446 of 1000

We read a lot of books during the time we homeschooled.  We read books aloud to each other.  The kids read their textbooks, literature books, how to books, magazines, and just about everything else on which they could get their hands.  Kelly read Gothic novels, mysteries (Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayer, and the like), and books on how to create comic strips for pleasure.  Christian’s side reading mostly included the reading of manuals.  I read some manuals, too, but also read a lot of books about History, Homeschool, Science, and (of all things) Rodney Stark’s books on Sociology.

For some reason, probably having to do with time pressure and easy access to the Internet, we quit reading books.  I feel diminished by that.  I really think it is time to get off the Internet and start reading again.  The thing that is especially sad is that it is significantly easier to buy a book than ever before in history.  We have three Nook’s laying around the house and my cell phone is great as a reader, too.  The only thing I miss is browsing for books at book stores and libraries.  If I am going to do that anymore, I better do it soon because I do not think they are going to be around too much longer.

I think I will try to download Rodney Stark’s new book a little later this afternoon to start reading while I walk on the treadmill at the YMCA.