Day 443 of 1000
It surely seems like in our time and place (2012 A.D. in the USA), voting is how we render onto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Kelly voted for the first time in this round of elections. Christian will not be eligible to vote until next year. These elections feel more like sports to us than sports. The consequences of the results are much greater, but God has his hand in it all, so it is not anything about which to worry too much. Still, I usually stay up later than I should on election night, so this year I am going to make my best effort to take a long nap right after work. Hopefully, we will know something before we go to bed.
Wholeheartedly agree. Just catching up on the last few posts here. Congrats to both the kids for doing so well: the studies! The attention to what’s going on around us!! The math! Wow. Hope to see you all sometime before too long. All goes well here.
Thanks Lynn. I saw your other comment recently and had not gotten around to responding yet. Glad to hear all is well and thanks for visiting!
Ken, thanks so much for your “positive take on negative results.” It’s a rarity in this world. So much of our life isn’t dependent on the events themselves, but rather on our attitude and spirit about what happens. So glad for the Help we have for this.
And just the other day, I read again where it says in Daniel 4.17, “…to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.” I’m reminded that this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray for them. When we do, and pray believing (how do I underline that word?) it puts us in a win-win situation, helping our spirit and outlook (read: uplook) and because often, our take on something is so different from God’s. Glad for the peace in that. Keep up the good work bro.
Thanks Jon. Your quote from Daniel is spot on. I actually thought about you in Chile, a lot of our friends and workers in Mexico, China, Mongolia, the Philippines, Pakistan, and so many other places who seem to have a healthier spiritual outlook than a lot of us in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and all other affluent, more “enlightened” places. There are many things considered good in Western culture now that would have been anathema when you and I were youngsters and they seem to be seeping in amongst us.
We talk about this a lot in our household. I think we are in for some very hard times here in the USA and I also think it is a gift from God to people like me who have life too easy and forget to give God his due. We actually are making plans to not only to rearrange our priorities to be more in line with God, but to make some wholesale changes in how and where we live so we can be a little more useful. Part of this has to do with the fact that the kids will leave home soon for college, but with these recent events we have definitely felt the need to focus our lives less on ourselves and more on the needs of the Kingdom.
Here is how you do an underline: <u>underline</u>
Ken. Good to read yours tonight. Super to read of your plans being increasingly Kingdom-oriented. Pure profit! And thx for the UL tip!