"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Fine art

Day 416 of 1000

Matias son of Lauro PaintingThis is a photograph of my nephew, Matias.  His father, Lorena’s brother, Lauro is a passionate artist.  Tom Layman, a good friend of Lorena’s family painted during his frequent overnight visits to their home.  Lorena believes that is when Lauro caught the fever.  He started to take art classes whenever he got the chance and used many of his electives during his engineering degree at ITESM to study art.

Lauro travels a lot so he does not get to paint as much as he would like these days.  Still, he does what he can, even working with an oil painting app on his iPad during his frequent flights.  You can see his art bio here and some of his paintings here.  The funny deal is that the kids made friends with a like-minded guy named Darren out in California this summer who they connected with Lauro via Facebook.  Darren also has a young son and an online web site.

Here’s betting neither of these apples fall too far from the tree.


More cool career fair stuff –Hanes


Twenty years and counting


  1. That’s great! Thanks for sharing this, Ken. I enjoyed looking through Lauro’s galleries.

  2. Muchas gracias por esta nota Ken!! apreciamos mucho tus palabras. Un fuerte abrazo!

  3. Dad

    Gene, it would be great to get you and your family down to Monterrey some day to meet these people. They have a huge convention and there are a ton of our friends with lots of kids the age of your kids.

    Esa foto me fasciné Lauro. Tenemos muchas ganas de conocer a Matias y ver a toda la familia.

  4. That is a great idea! Our kids are just starting to take Spanish this year. Would you mind emailing me when the convention is? Have a great day!

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