"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: October 3, 2012

Does the National Security Agency want my daughter?

NSA water bottleOn the days when I work from home, I spend most of the day working upstairs in the bonus room. As many of you read previously, Kelly has gone to a career fair the last couple of days.  She said they had given her some cool stuff, but I did not know the half of it.  Just now, I wandered down to the kitchen and noticed a bright red water bottle on the kitchen counter that she got from the National Security Agency.  She said the CIA was there, too.  I will check and see if there is some other stuff and report back.

Siemens gives away speakers at the career fair

Siemens career fair speakersI am truly amazed.  Siemens (the big German company) gave away speakers at the NCSU career fair.  I saw them when I came in from work last night.

I said to Kelly, “How cool is that?”

She said, “Well they are not that good.”

I let it slide.  Then this morning when Christian called me to tell me how he did on his Prob/Stat test (he did great), I asked him about them.

He said, “They are great, you ought to try them out.”

So I did.  They are great!  I might have only said they were just good, but they are also FREE.  They have a paperboard body, but they are perfect for tin-ear guys like me.  And they are FREE.  I am listening to the Eagles on Pandora right now.

Another day at the career fair

Day 409 of 1000

I received a call from Kelly yesterday right after she entered the Engineering Career Fair at NCSU.  She was a little discouraged because there were so many students talking to all of the hundreds of companies looking for employees.  They were all in their suits with very impressive resumes and it seemed pretty hard to compete.  I told her to have fun–if nothing came out of it, that would be OK.  Worst case, the practice of talking about herself in search for a job would help her in the future.  She said OK, but still seemed pretty tentative.

I did not hear from her again for another three hours.  She got in some lines to talk with Intel, Caterpiller, and some smaller companies.  She was positiviely invigorated when she finally called.  Lots of people were interested in her resume, there were lots of internship, and it looks like she will be considered by a lot of people.  One guy came up and tapped on her shoulder when she was leaving the conference hall and said he noticed she was a statistics major and would she be interested in applying for an internship with their company.  He promised her an interview.

Kelly had such a good time, she thought she would give it another shot today.  She was all dressed up when she left the house.  The very cool part of the whole process was that she has a completely different vision of why she is in school after this fair.  She is fired up to get great grades, do an internship, and get on with life in a job.

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