"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Does the National Security Agency want my daughter?

NSA water bottleOn the days when I work from home, I spend most of the day working upstairs in the bonus room. As many of you read previously, Kelly has gone to a career fair the last couple of days.  She said they had given her some cool stuff, but I did not know the half of it.  Just now, I wandered down to the kitchen and noticed a bright red water bottle on the kitchen counter that she got from the National Security Agency.  She said the CIA was there, too.  I will check and see if there is some other stuff and report back.


Siemens gives away speakers at the career fair


Kelly’s debate doodles


  1. I have a rather nice notebook with a pseudo leather cover that has the imprint of the CIA.
    The quality of the notepaper is quite good.

    She ought to have got more free stuff.

  2. Dad

    Wow! That it is a very cool thing with a CIA imprint on it, it actually came from the CIA, and that it is something you can really use at a career fair is very impressive! Too bad the fair is over or I would send her back. She actually tried to talk to the CIA, but got there too late. Just wait until next year!

  3. Dad

    ooooooooh… I never thought of that! We should check! If I only knew HOW to check.

  4. Ken Marsala

    Do you know who the manufacturer of the NSA bottle is? We are looking to buy the same type of bottle!!

  5. Dad

    I will take a look, see if it has some identifying marks on it, and let you know!

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