Day 393 of 1000

I always thought I was a pretty fast typist.  Whenever I instant message with people, I spend most of my time waiting for people to respond.  I was messaging with my sister this morning–she is about the same speed as me, so we can have a great conversation, but then Kelly got on and started messaging with me at the same time.  Christian and Kelly are WAY fast.  I started laughing when I saw her messages start popping up because it is just amazing.  The reason they can type so fast is that when they were both about six or seven years old we did not want them wasting their time playing video games.  We let them play a few later one (mainly Nancy Drew mysteries), but at that age I wanted them playing outside.  Still, I felt kind of bad, so I got a copy of Mavis Beacon Typing.  They each got to spend 15 minutes per day on that during the summer.  They both did that for about five summers and the result is that they are now screaming fast instant messagers.  The law of unintended consequences.