Day 389 of 1000

There are lots of semi-interesting going on right now.  Kelly has been given credit for a couple of additional classes that will allow her to get a summer internship position if she can find one.  Hopefully it will be in a place where she can stay with someone on the west coast.  If you know a company that needs a high GPA, Spanish speaking, statistics student for a summer internship, let me know.  She will be between her junior and senior year.  Her classes include three semesters of calculus, statistics, mathematical statistics, operations management, linear algebra, Java programming, etc.  She has great people skills.

Christian has started his job as an undergraduate researcher in Optical Sensing Lab at NCSU.  The professor who runs the lab said he would put Christian’s bioup there soon.

My buddy, Brett at my day job and I have decided we need to up our presence on the internet so we are both going to write blog posts for the company blog.  I hope to do it at a rate of a couple per week if I can think of good material.  I will put a link to the first post here as soon as I write it.  Maybe I will be able to get to it this weekend.