Day 392 of 1000
Everyone in our household except me had to study today. Even I ended up studying some statistical stuff for my work, but Lorena, Kelly, and Christian all had a lot more than me, so I decided to head down to the YMCA to get in a workout. Before I left, I noticed Rubix the fat cat of our tortoise shell twin cat sisters was relaxing on the south tower of the twin cat tower Christian and I constructed for exactly that purpose. We called it the twin cat tower, not because there are twin towers (as you can see from the photograph), but because we have twin cats.
The amazing part is that I was gone for two hours and when I got back Rubix was still there. The last time we took the cats to the vet (another story onto itself), we were told Rubix, the fat cat, was too fat, but Kiwi is OK. She recommended we start feeding them canned food at least part of the time and to meter their food. Well we found out why Rubix is fat and Kiwi is thin. Kiwi has never really liked the dry food we gave her so she did not eat very much, so that is why she is thin. Rubix, on the other hand loves virtually everything so she gets fat whether she is on dry food or canned food.
Now, Kiwi starts meowing about 5:30 every morning because she loves the canned food so much. We are trying to give her dry food in the morning so she does not bug us to death, but it has not worked so far. I do not know whether we will ever get the whole cat thing figured out. It is to bad, though, because now we are all pretty much addicted to our cats.
Here’s hoping your home back on the west coast will be feline-free, so I can come sometime and stay a night or two. Not my fault or theirs, but am Deathly allergic. I prefer breathing, ha. Oh well
OUCH!!! That is VERY bad news. I actually believe that cats will go with the kids to college. That is our plan anyway!
Hey! The idea is to move back out west after the kids go to college. We might even tell them where we live when we go. We might be cat free sooner than you think.