"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: August 30, 2012

Christian’s electrical engineering professor’s wife taught the class

Christian just sent me a chat message telling me his Electrical Engineering professor’s wife taught the class today.  I have never heard of that, but it is WAY cool!!!  He has experienced something I have never experienced.  The closest I ever got to that was when my second grade teacher at Harrison Elementary in Cottage Grove, Oregon (Miss Rohr from North Carolina of all things–I was in love with her) had her boyfriend come to class.  He was very cool.  Still it is not the same as having a wife who can take over and teach your national research university level electrical engineering class.  Just WOW!  The even cooler part is that her name was Mrs. Molner–not Ms. Molner or some other hyphenated, politically correct nonsense.

Kelly’s CLEP tests matriculate

Day 375 of 1000

For some reason Kelly’s CLEP tests did not make it into the system at NCSU, so we had to resend them.  Kelly made passing scores on 39 credits worth of material.  Many schools accept all of those credits, only 15 and maybe 18 of those credits are eligible at NCSU.  She receive four additional credits for a class that was not eligible (English Composition) because of a high ACT English score.  The courses they did not accept were Spanish (12 credits–but she has already satisfied her foreign language requirement by other means), precalculus (3 credits–she is way beyond that so it did not matter so much), and Psychology (3 credits–but they accepted Sociology which satisfied the social science credits for which Psychology would have applied).  The one that is up in the air is Biology for 3 credits–it has to be approved by the Biology department so that is in process.

We are excited because Kelly now has 82 credits and could have 85 if they give here Biology.  That means she will be an 18 year old college senior next semester.  If she would have gotten just a few more credits, she could have entered NCSU as a senior, but all of that is made kind of irrelevant because she is taking a difficult degree in Statistics that has some required classes that will keep her here this year and next.  It is really exciting to see this progress toward something on which she has worked very hard for over ten years.

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