"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: August 1, 2012

We knew there was a reason we called them “government schools”

Deroy Murdock at National Review Online explains where the idea that so called “public schools” are really government schools with every bad connotation possible.  Read the article which describes what the incomparable Milton Friedman had to say about it here.  We homeschooled and were very happy with that. Still, we never had any illusion that homeschooling was for everyone, but firmly believe that government schools are not the answer as is attested to by abysmal government school standardized test scores compared to those earned by homeschoolers.  I love the final paragraph of the article and plan to honor Milton Friedman in that way:

Americans who miss Dr. Milton Friedman can honor his memory and continue his excellent work in modernizing American education. They can abandon the term “public schools” and adopt the phrase “government schools.” While plenty more needs to be done to rescue the American classroom, each of us effortlessly can take this small step forward.

Supporting traditional marriage at Chick-fil-A

Day 346 of 1000

Lorena and Kelly support traditional marriage at Chick-fil-AChristian had his chemistry final this morning.  This is not a post semester celebration because Christian has one more lab and Kelly has her final tomorrow.  They are at Chick-fil-A to celebrate traditional marriage and support Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A.  The place was jammed, but they had a big crew working so they got their food very quickly.  Everyone was in a great mood to be around like-minded, right-minded people.  Lots of people took pictures and videos to commemorate the event.  It was quite a happy occasion.


Troy just commented that everyone was not just at a Chick-fil-A.  They were at the brand new ONE AND ONLY to story Chick-fil-A. How cool is that. How could I have missed that. Thanks Troy!

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