"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: July 19, 2012

Indoctrination at NCSU

The kids have orientation at NCSU today.  So far they have heard about all the special benefits people receive solely because of the color of their skin or their sexual behavior choices.  It is a good thing they are Mexican or they would not receive all the special privileges and advantages that are withheld from white males.  It all seems pretty degrading to me.  Thankfully, the only have one or two more brainwashing classes each–they got most of that stuff out of the way at Wake Technical Community College.  Still, it is a shame they have to run the gaunlet of such nonsense to get to classes that actually teach them stuff that is relative true like math and chemistry.

A third of they way through

Day 333 of 1000

We are not quite to a year in our 1000 days, but we are one third of the way to meeting our goals which includes the kids’ undergraduate degrees and a few other things.  The amazing thing is that we are still on schedule.  We made an educational plan about 10 years ago and worked on it daily.  I never figured we would be able to keep up because it was pretty aggressive.  We are at least on schedule on everything, ahead on a lot of things, and way ahead on a few, fairly important things.  It is not time to celebrate yet, but we are getting closer.

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