"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Rednecks in a company I hate

Day 324 of 1000

My buddy Brett from my current job and I went out to dinner with four guys from a company I pretty much desipise.  It is a large machine vision company with its headquarters in the Northeast who have practices and attitudes I have found to be very suspect over the years.  They have a bad reputation in the industry and an inflated opinion about the quality of thier products.  After the somewhat restrained business discussions we went out to dinner with these guys and had a great time.  Even though the company is from the Northeast and has the attitude and morality you might expect from a company from that part of the world, all the guys with whom we met were from the Southeast.  One of them even gratuated from the Citadel.  We had a great time.  They were good guys and, I hate to admit it, might have been more redneck than me.  The funny deal is that they were wildly more informed about all things political than anyone I have every met from the area around their world headquarters.  I was very pleasantly surprised and am looking forward to doing business with them in the future.


Follow-up from the Saylor Foundaton


Compressed semesters


  1. I have never understood ‘redneck”

    What does one have to do to achieve this?

  2. Dad

    You get a red neck by driving a tractor, logging, or working outside in the sun with a t-shirt or open collar shirt so your neck gets sun burnt. There is also an attitude that goes with it that comes from doing physically hard work outdoors for a living.

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