"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

The mushy side of the Coffee project

Day 310 of 1000

CoffeeVisionAndrew and I started a new project a couple of weeks back.  I have been wracking my brain to figure out how to make the whole thing interesting to people who are not completely entranced by all things technical which is probably about 95% (if not more) of the population.  We have engaged in some very good conversations about how we can do that.  The whole goal is to find a way for mom and pop stores to use cameras to provide better service (more personal, faster, cheaper) to their customers in a way that is not invasive.  It is a tough problem, but we think we have some ideas.

We are a long way from producing anything.  Before we can even start, we need to capture a ton of pictures and then try to figure out how those pictures can be useful to our target end-users.  Fortunately, we have plenty of people in our households who have opinions about that.  We even have a Mom and Pop store that will mount cameras for us so we can take test pictures.  Lorena would like to start such a store herself which we think is a stellar idea.  If we do that, maybe I can write something a little more interesting than the technical drivel that I have been writing over the last several months.

The image above, is a screenshot of what I have so far.  It does not do much, but it is a start!


The accidental homeschool


We are just not that important


  1. Maybe you could calculate a manliness factor based on the cool sunglasses…. Just a little input from the peanut gallery. Hope this helps…… 😎

  2. Dad

    Hey, that is a GREAT idea! In that same vein, we could determine how bald they are and give them a ball cap instead of a free cup after they have purchased 10 cups of coffee!

  3. Excellent point! Why didn’t I think of that?? Seriously, I think your software is a great idea – especially if people “opt in” to the “club” – maybe you could teach the computer to play charades – free cup of coffee if the computer gets it right but the customer can’t do the same thing twice.

  4. Dad

    That is actually an amazing thought. We could perform hand gesture analysis with the camera looking in the window. I was thinking we were going to need only two cameras, but I actually think we might up that to think so we can look at the front, back and one of the sides of the car.

    Actually, opt-in is a very good idea. I had not thought of that. We could give the people a card to put in the window to tell us what they want and we could have it for them by the time they got to the window!

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