Day 299 of 1000

Lorena and I received this very big opportunity a couple of days ago.  We are excited about it.  We talk about it a lot.  In our talks, we try to look at the big pictures.  It is good for us to look at the big picture because, when we do, other ideas bubble up.  It is dawning on us that we will not have anyone in the house beside us and we are a little confused about what to do about it.  The kids will always need our help, but they are on their way to bigger things where Dad and Mom are pretty much in the way more than they are a help.  I am sure that period will end before too long, but it leaves us a little disconcerted.  We figure we have five years or so to do something very interesting, then we will need to anchor ourselves someplace close to the kids to be a help to them again.  It is really very exciting, but it is hard to know how to use the time properly.  I guess it just takes prayer and fatih.