"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

New projects and a reason to write

Day 289 of 1000

I would like to say I was too busy to write in my blog this last week, but it is not true.  It never takes more than a few minutes to write a few things and I could have written.  Still, it often takes much more than a few minutes to think of something to write.  I have been very busy, but, more than that, I have struggled with finding motivation to write about anything.  The main focus of this blog has been to talk about our homeschooling efforts with our kids.  That worked very, very well up until a couple of years ago when the kids entered community college.  As has been obvious to many, my blogging efforts since then have been less than stellar.  Now that the kids are both juniors at North Carolina State University, even though I have great joy that they are having some success, I am not so directly involved in their efforts, so there is less and less about which I have to write in that regard.

So that has left me with not so much motivation to write nor material about which to write.  Really, Lorena and I have been at loose ends.  We know at least one of the kids (and probably both) will be out of the house at grad school within two years so we are trying to figure out what to do next.  That can be pretty hard to do when there are too many options.  Lorena thinks she might want to start a business.  We know what she wants to do and we have some connection in the industry (food and beverage retail), so we have a plan to get her some experience.  In addition to that, we have some ideas for a very technical, machine vision product my buddy Andrew and I can do to help her with her business.  I plan to start talking about that here on a fairly regular basis.  It should be a lot of fun and it will require a TON of work.

On a side note, I am back on the wagon on my diet.  I am getting close to having lost ten pounds.  Woo-hoo!


We are going on vacation by sending the kids to California for a week


Fighting through the bureaucracy


  1. Ken – glad to see you have found a new topic to write about. I have a mind-numbingly boring job and often check your blog for new posts, so keep them coming! Looking forward to hearing about your projects! Here is a link to a blog I have started for a 3-wheel car I am working on. http://sporttrike2x.blogspot.com/ Have a great day!

  2. Dad

    Thanks Gene! It is great to see you have a blog. I will start heading over there. I have to get a couple of things cleared off my plate but I am pretty excited about what we are doing. Why don’t you pop me a line via email and tell me what you are doing now. Are you going to stay in Montana? The Trike looks like an awesome project.

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