"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Transitioning from homeschool

We started the transition out of homeschool this month.  It really caught me by surprise.  We always had a plan, so I do not know how it snuck up on us so fast.  I will talk about all of that in another post.  In our plan, Kelly will be a half-time homeschool student until the end of the 2010 when she will transition from a half-time load at college to a full-time regular student.  Christian’s plan is to spend half-time in college and half-time in homeschool through the end of the school year.  We are still organizing all this, but we believe we have most of the permissions we need from the college to move forward with our plan.  There are only a few CLEP tests left to take.  Kelly will take the ACT once more while Christian will take it twice.  I will try to describe the whole transition with the help of the kids.  There are many things to consider.  Volunteer work, internships, summer programs, athletic activities, etc.  We look forward to making this all happen.

Special note:  The last four or five weeks were busy with travel, work, visitors, and test preparation.  It was a challenge to write, not only because of the busyness, but because of my own attitude.  I had planned to back way off on the blogging as the kids transitioned out of homeschool.  Yesterday, though, I ran into Lynn from A Mother’s Journal at a church event.  We had a very brief visit in the hallway that inspired me to get back into the blogging habit after this short hiatus.  I realized there are still a lot of things about which to write and that I like to write.  Thanks Lynn!




Jury duty and Cousin Trisha’s new blog


  1. Ken, that’s nice of you to say. Really. You and Lorena ALWAYS inspire me. You have done an amazing job. I always feel a bit frazzled with having to work, etc., but every life is so different. I find that each homeschooling family brings a different gift to the table, and we can all help each other and learn from each other. You have so much to share in how you organized your homeschool, set goals, followed through, etc. I think it would be our loss if you quit writing about it.


  2. Ruthie

    I agree, Lynn. I have been blessed by this blog and by the writings of everyone who participates in the discussions. I have not been as regular as I would like, but life is very busy, especially toward the end of the term….and then there was Hawai’i….I keep dreaming…lol

  3. Dad

    Thanks a LOT Lynn and Ruthie. I have very much appreciated both of your interactions here. I got kind of the same reaction from my family about quitting the blog and have gotten some second wind to keep going after the encouragement. We are going through this transition from homeschool to college now, so I actually feel like I have something to write about and I am glad you are all still willing to participate. The one thing, I think that is missing is a respite to Hawaii to rest and recuperate before I get started again!

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