Our transition from homeschool to college is happening fast now.  Kelly has one CLEP test this month and one in July.  That is the end of her homeschool.  We visited Campbell University, a wonderful little Christian school south of where we live, but decided not to go there at the last minute.  We decided to spend a year or two in the community college that is five minutes from our house for three main reasons.  First, it is WAY cheaper.  Second, we found that North Carolina State University has a very good Statistics program.  Kelly would have studied Applied Mathematics with a concentration in statistics at Campbell, but that was not what she really wanted to do.  When we investigated the Statistics program at NCSU it just fit a lot better.

The third reason is Christian.  His plan was also to attend Campbell, mostly because that would solve a lot of transportation problems.  He always wanted to study physics or engineering, but thought an undergraduate degree in math with a lot of science would be sufficient to get him into a good engineering or physics graduate degree.  That all changed for the better when we decided NCSU was the best fit for Kelly.  They have a plethora of engineering programs and a good physics department.  He is already doing volunteer research work in one of the Biological and Agricultural Engineering labs there, so aiming at a degree there was an easy choice to make.  He is leaning toward electrical engineering right now, but does not really need to make a decision on that for a couple of years.

With all that in mind, Lorena, Kelly, and Christian all went to Wake Tech yesterday afternoon to talk to admissions/academic advisers.  The upshot is that both of them will graduate from the Chapman Family Homeschool on June 15, 2010.  They have both been accepted as full time students at Wake Technical Community College for Fall Semester of 2010.  We are excited to get started on this new phase of their education.

Oh yeah, I do not want to forget to mention Lorena will be going to school with them, too.  Full time!