"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33


This past weekend we went to Hickory NC to visit some friends and go to special meeting.  While I was there I got to sew my first skirt!  My seamstress grandmother and my friend’s mom both helped me out.  The seams are a little (read: a lot) wobbly, but I’m learning!  It’s a pleated blue and white flower print knee-length bubble skirt.  Pictures will come soon.

Quick Update: Christian and I are working full time, Christian gets his braces on today, the PreCalc. CLEP is coming up soon, and Grandma and Grandpa from Mexico are visiting, so things are BUSY.




Transitioning from homeschool


  1. Kelly, Good for you!!
    Sewing will never fail you!
    We all learn this way…wobbly:)
    A pat on the back

  2. Ruthie

    I have 2 sewing machines and my skills are abysmal (sp?) I also have a friend who makes ALL her own clothes. She always looks put together. Deanne also is a very good seamstress. I have another friend who knits and crochets and cooks well and for Mattisse’s birthday she gave her a little bag (like a make-up bag) with a zipper that she made herself. I was impressed!

    I have not been on lately due to a very busy schedule with the kids’ school, AND John and I had the opportunity of a lifetime and were able to spend a week in Hawai’i. It was so much fun and we will never forget it. The trip was paid for and we were treated like royalty! Barely had to lift a finger all week. The kids stayed home with people looking in on them. Emma got sick, but had her siblings to look after her. They ate all the food we prepared, and didn’t burn the house down, so I consider that a success! We are scheduled to be through with school in the next month, so I hit the runway, well, running, and haven’t stopped since I got home. Haven’t had time to regroup, or to do the piled up laundry either! I am trying to keep that Aloha spirit and relaxed attitude in my heart. I wouldn’t have minded a few more days at the beautiful Mauna Kea Resort on the Kohala Coast…ah to dream….
    ‘Hang ten”!

  3. Dad

    WOW Ruthie!!! We are wildly envious about your trip to Hawaii. It is even better when your kids act responsibly! I had an old professor who said, “I used to think I would be a successful father if my kids did not get convicted of a felony… Now all I can hope for is that nothing stands up on appeal.” It sounds like all your school plans are going well. We talked to Campbell University again yesterday and are exploring the idea of just putting both of the kids into school there this fall. The exploring part has mostly to do with being able to afford it!

    You all are the queens of crafts. I think I would like to take up a needle if I ever have time again in this life.

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