The other day I got an e-mail from an old friend that I hadn’t talked to in a while, then another one from another old friend, and one from a new one! All those letters set my mind on my friendships.

I have some good friends. Some I’ve known for half my life, some I’ve known for almost all of it, and some I’ve just recently met. Some friendships took a while to bloom, some I’m still working on, and some have been steady forever. Some are people I’ve known for a long time, but never took the time to become friends with. Some started talking to me, some I started talking to. Many I don’t see or talk to often, many I haven’t seen in years, a few I’ve never seen and a very few I get to see every single day. Many are related to me, many are not. A lot of them were born in the 90’s, a few were born in the 80’s, a few more were born in the 70’s, and a lot were born before then. Most share my worldview, some don’t. A few I can call up and immediately start conversing without any preliminary pleasantries or awkwardness. A very few I can have an conversation about serious things with. Sometimes I forget their birthdays, and sometimes they forget mine, but it’s okay. A few of them are the kind of friends I can stay up late in the dorms and gossip with. A few of them I’ve played pretend battles and Frisbee and capture-the-flag and freeze-tag and water-wars with for years and years and years. Some are grown-up and I’ve never played any of those things with them, but we’re still friends anyway. Most are girls, some are boys. Some I’ve studied the Bible with, many I have nothing in common with, many I’m sure I’ve annoyed, all of them have influenced me in some way or another. A lot of them I need to keep in better touch with, and I take too many of them for granted. I think some of my friends don’t even know that we’re officially pals, but we are. (: I love them all!