Kelly and Christian both took the ACT college entrance exam in early February.  The results to the multiple choice portion of the test were posted yesterday.  Both of them did great.  We are learning more and more about these tests.  This year Kelly came up a little in the categories of Reading and English.  There was not a whole lot that she could do to improve as she was pretty high last year in those categories.  She still has a little bit of room to improve, but I think improvements will come as a result of learning how to take the test more than new knowledge.  She also improved a little in Science.  She is well above average, but has more room to improve there as she has not yet studied all the material on the test.  She had a dramatic jump in Math this year.  She still has not covered everything that is on the test in math but she is a lot further along this year than she was last year.  Her scores are good enough now that we believe she could get into just about any school she wants, most of them with a good scholarship.  By this time next year, though, if Kelly is not already in college, she should be able to further improve her scholarship chances.

Christian made a good sized jump in his scores, too.  He got good enough scores to get into many schools, but, as he is two grades behind Kelly, has not yet covered much of the material on the tests.  He really did get great scores for an eighth grader.  By the time he takes the test again next year, he will have covered a lot more math and science that is on the test.  In addition, we are going to continue doing a lot of reading and English work.  Our expectation is that he should be well positioned to make quite an improvement next year.