"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 1, 2010

Snow and Pearls Before Swine and things

Well we’ve had an amazing snowy weekend!  We ate a lot, almost like Christmas time, and we made the best snowfort of our lives.  It was epic. We woke up on Saturday morning all ready to get cold and wet and make snowmen and such, but unfortunately the snow was pure powder with a frozen upper crust.  Not prime snowball/snow-fort/snowman making weather. We stayed inside and made churros (Special on that coming up soon) and sulked around.  Sunday morning, everything was frozen so we couldn’t make it to meeting.  After we had a little Bible study on our own we went outside to explore some more, eventually discovering something amazing.  The upper crust of the snow was frozen through but still relatively soft and breakable, so if one just made a small hole in the ground, one could pry up big squares and blocks of solid snow.  Way more manageable than last years hand-packed snow blocks.  With the help of our neighbor friends, we quickly amassed a ton of blocks and piled them up.  The end result was a circle shaped snow fort that went as high as my chest with a pillar in the middle and a hallway leading to another small room and another, larger room beside that. It was kind of S shaped. We had intended for the second, larger room to be a parking spot for our tractor/sled-puller, but the tractor wouldn’t start so we just hauled our fire pit in there and roasted marshmallows. Very awesome.

Does anyone read Pearls Before Swine?  It’s my favorite syndicated comic, right after Calvin and Hobbes and FoxTrot and maybe Cul de Sac. Probably before Cul de Sac, but after FoxTrot actually. Anyway, PBS tends to be a bit darkish, but it’s really hilarious sometimes.  Really one of the few comic strips that I actually laugh out loud on. I always look forward to Pastis‘s (the author)  horrible puns.  You can tell when he’s going to do one because his entire set-up sounds so odd, but you never can tell what the pun will be. Yesterday’s was a classic example. It does contain a swear word (from a classic movie), but it’s still funny. Or un-funny. It goes both ways.

He’s definitely one of my major inspirations in the humor department.  He’s not always funny, but he is funny more often than most others.  I wish I could get Betty Blonde to that point. It’s very difficult for me to not write awkard-ish humor.  I think it’s a stage of life thing… adolescent age, adolescent humor. But I know what’s funny!  I laugh at funny things! Generally speaking what’s funny in real life isn’t that funny in a comic strip though. I find it very hard to transfer a ‘you had to be there’ joke to comic strip format.  Maybe it’s just a matter of practice.

A snow day

It snowed hard here at our house, thawed a couple of times, refroze, and left the roads a complete mess.  I will be working from the house today.  The kids had a great time yesterday in the snow:

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