"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 19, 2010

Betty Blonde’s Rules

Betty Blonde is so much fun. I can do whatever I want with it. If I’m feeling a little 80’s, I’ll indulge an 80’s rock star. If I feel that Betty Blonde (the character) has been a little clichéd lately, I can make her repaint speed limit signs. If I feel like drawing buff guys (and I often do. They’re my favorite to draw. Scandalous!) I’ll bring in the Hankster. Betty Blonde is a limitless creative playground for me. But for a limitless playground, it’s really hard to break the limits. Christian and I often argue over whether or not to break the unwritten rules of Betty Blonde’s world. Christian’s world of Betty Blonde has a different set of rules than mine. Characters can do crazier things. While my Betty Blonde will do crazy things, she does crazy things within the laws of physics. For example, in Christian’s graphic novel, Betty Blonde and co. build a gigantic mountain and jump off it to get to China, all while citing pseudo-physics that totally apply to Christian’s Betty Blonde’s world. The same thing might look kind of off in my strip. At the same time, nearly all of my Betty Blonde’s punch lines would never dream of entering Christian’s Betty Blonde world. We’re going to try to achieve the best of both worlds in the strip soon though, because Christian has tons of great ideas.

Right now however, I’m feeling very warm towards men’s and pair’s Olympic figure skating. We’ll see where that goes!

Blog priorities

We are going through a major transition here in the Chapman household.  We have established some goals that we all need to complete by the end of the year.  For Kelly, it has to do with getting everything finished for her high school graduation and to get ready to start college full time this fall.  For Christian, it has to do with finishing the necessary math and CLEP testing to start in part time to college during winter semester of 2011.  To that end, I am probably going to try to put Kelly on a one blog post per week schedule while I will go to a 2-3 post per week schedule.  The schedule is aggressive but doable.  Time is at a premium through July with this new schedule, planned vacations, swim team, workouts, music lessons, etc.

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