When the kids got text messaging this December, Christian decided he wanted to write a C++ program on his Linux computer to send and receive messages from his cellphone.  His initial idea was to text a Linux command from his cellphone to his computer and then receive the computers response back to his cellphone as a series of text messages.  He is very close to having that working, but we have been looking for something for the computer to do that is a little more exciting the listing the files in a directory or sending out its IP address.  In my work on the KamVu and GaugeCam projects, I write programs that control a little digital/analog I/O micro-controller card called an Arduino Duemilnova from a Linux computer.   That is the card that allows our computer to control lights, motors, pumps, read switches and temperature sensors, and a plethora of other things.  We have decided it might be a cool thing to be able to send a text message to the computer that controls a few things in the house via the Arduino card.  We have not quite figured out what we want to do yet, but it might be something like turning a light on taking a picture and emailing it someplace.  Then, if we get ambitious, we could move the camera around with a motor to take pictures of the entire room via the cellphone.

Christian has already started the conversion of the BleAx (Betty Blonde Accumulator of Comix) program from Python to C++, but he wanted to hone his skills a little on another program before he did that.  We figure he should be able to publish his cellphone to Linux computer program in the next month or so on NerdHow.  He might even do a video on how he hooks up the Arduino card.  We will keep you posted.

Kelly and Christian:  Here is your homeschool economics lesson for the day.  (h.t. Hugh Hewitt)