Last weekend I forgot my purse at the Chick-Fil-A. Second or third time this year that that has happened. I don’t know why I even bother carrying one around with me anymore. I always lose it somewhere!!! But carrying a purse around makes me feel awfully grown up and sophisticated, so I do. Unfortunately, this time around I had my cell phone in my purse. It’s not like I use my cell phone all the time (In fact, I had no idea it was missing until mom reminded me.) but it is a necessary little gadget. Christian and I use it a lot when we are at the bookstore on Saturdays, at our music lessons, or at a friend’s house. At first I thought I had left the purse at the Starbucks inside the Barnes and Noble, but we called and it wasn’t there.  So we racked our brains trying to remember where we had gone for lunch on Saturday.  I thought for sure that it was Wendy’s. Wendy’s is the Chapman household’s second kitchen on Saturday afternoons. BUT Mom remembered Chick-Fil-A. We called, and sure enough, they had it!!! Unfortunately, all of my CLEP US History II notecards were stashed inside one of the purse pockets and Mom called Chick-Fil-A just when we were parking in front of the CLEP testing place. 😛 No harm done though! I had my CLEP book and my notebook with me, and I did squeak by on the test, even with the little distraction of the fire alarm (see Dad’s post below)  Now I have to do it all over again twice! Sociology and Biology are coming up next…