Last night Christian and I got set up to program together.  He is going to continue on his daily C++ lesson, but we are also going to program some other stuff together.  We kind of had a cool project fall into our lap that is very similar to the volcano project.  The good part of the whole deal is that it requires something that we have been wanting to get for a garden adornment anyway.  So this weekend we are going to go out and try to find one of those wooden barrels that have been cut in half so they can be used as a fountain.  Hopefully, we will be able to find some goldfish and a water pump to go with it.  The idea is to point a camera and a light at the barrel to measure and report the water level in the barrel, real-time, via a web page.  It will look nice in the garden AND provide for a fun mechanical/electrical/computer programming/web development project.  I will take some pictures and post them here if we find something good to buy.