"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

The belly of the beast

It can get really lonely when you are a long way from home.  I am 3000 miles away from all of my family.  I must admit that, being Milo’s son, I can’t lay claim to being from one of the more sophisticated branches of the Chapman clan.  Nevertheless, those more worldly wise members of the family have often treated us well in spite of our lack of cultivation.  I had no idea how much they really cared.  It seems that ever since we left the comforting and secure confines of rural Oregon, they have been quite worried about us.  They were actually quite beside themselves.  They knew that, while we were not exactly in the belly of the beast, we were close.  We are in the south and there is some limited safety in that.  Most of the folks out here are still pretty suspicious about the revenuers, but Raleigh is only a few hours drive south of Washington, D.C. and that kind of proximity is pretty scary.

My family really wanted to help, but felt they had little to offer, exhausted and depleted as they were after their own escalation of hostilities during the notorious Klamath Water Wars.  Still, they wanted to do something, they just could not think what.  They knew that Milo’s branch of the family is more into gladiolas than Glock’s, so they felt pretty helpless.  But then Merle’s boy, Travis hit on a solution.  I don’t know whether he had been talking to the North Idaho branch of the family, but the solution was perfect.  It turns out that there is something, readily available in all of Klamath County I understand, specifically designed for the sort of apocalyptic conditions we are facing.  It is the official Klamath Falls, Oregon, Obama Survival Kit.  Merle, his baby brother Mark, and Travis felt so strongly that I needed this, that they all chipped in and bought one for our little family.  Pure love.  I understand Mark put off buying a new varmit rifle and they put on a Rocky Mountain oyster pizza fund raiser, just sos they could get the money together to send us an Obama Survival Kit of our very own.  And here it is…

Obama Survival Kit

It consists entirely of a Mossy Oak® pattern camouflage NKJV Bible.  It brought a tear to my eye.  I am thinking about saving up, buying a case or two of these for our brothers up minding their stills in the hills west of here.

I just wanted you all to know how much we appreciated it.


Learning can be hard and messy


Happy 15th Birthday Kelly!!!


  1. Ruthie

    Can’t get much better than a New King James version of the Bible!

  2. Dad

    And camouflaged!

  3. We remember what a thrill it was to get a new baby girl, the first child in Ken and Lorena’s family. So glad I got to come to Florida and be with you for a few days. Of course she was a beautiful and exceptional child from day one and now we wish we were there with you to celebrate. Grandma and Grandpa Chapmam

  4. Troy

    KEN! Despite your efforts to reassure and thank your family, you have unwittingly exposed your treehugger tendencies. You should have at least used a little image editing to get rid of that ENERGY STAR label in the upper right hand corner of the photo! We understand, though, these things creep right in…

  5. Dad

    Troy!!!! Don’t “out” me. I have seen the light that is only revealed if you live in the far eastern United States–places like Cleveland, Denver, New York, Dallas, and Boise. I am GREEN, but if my family finds out, I will be disowned!!!

  6. Trisha

    It seems quite a few are at a loss as how to respond to this posting 🙂

  7. Dad

    This definitely is a conversation stopper on the east coast! What can they say?

  8. Karen

    This is just way too funny!! It gave me a good laugh the other day – although no time to respond until now!!

  9. Dad

    I about died laughing when this came in the mail. I think it is something your husband might have appreciated, too!

  10. Mark

    If you take the bible outside do not set it down. Knowing how you lose things. You may want to get a hunter orange vest for it.

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