"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: March 3, 2009

A special visitor at work

I had to put this up for Lorena and the kids.  This is my colleague and her daughter.  Cute does not adequately describe this little girl.

Staying on track takes discipline

We are in the middle of what will be a fairly long stretch where all we have planned is to perform well in school.  There are a few piano performances and weekend trips planned, but really not too much else until swimming starts in the late spring.  It dawned on me that we make the most progress in projects and school in these sorts of times.  There is a desire to relax, do the minimum possible, and just glide through times like this.  I have “slacked” many times over the years, but view those times as wasted.  We are on a tight schedule to meet some very specific goals for school.  If we meet them, the kids will be, literally, a year ahead of where they will be if we do not meet them.  There are some fun things to learn that can bring a lifetime of enjoyment (e.g. Amigurumi and ham radio).  I can learn new things to do my job better.  I think it is important to set time aside every day to relax and talk, but that is not what I am talking about.  What I am talking about can be as little as focusing on piano instead of browsing through facebook, doing a few math corrections instead of playing Runescape, learning a new knitting pattern instead of reading that interesting article on what hat to wear, studying C++ programming or Spanish instead of optimizing Firefox performance for the 42nd time, drawing a couple of extra Betty Blondes instead of re-reading an Agatha Christie novel for the 53rd time, etc., etc., etc.

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