"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Fiddler on the Roof!

Tonight we are all going to see Fiddler on the Roof at the Durham Performing Arts Center for my birthday. I am super excited!!! Jenna is coming with us, and that’s all she and I have been able to talk about for the past week. 🙂  To the dismay of my family, we’ve been singing showtunes and Disney songs to express our enthusiasm. I think ‘Matchmaker’ is happy. They think ‘Matchmaker’ is sappy. I tell ya. Anyway I was listening to the radio the other morning and the news announcer was talking about the play and how cool the venue was.  It’s also the star actor’s farewell tour, which makes going to the play that much more cool!That really made me MORE enthusiastic!!!! Yay! I’ll write about it on Monday.

I passed my CLEP psych finally! Thank goodness. Unfortunately I have a CLEP sociology coming up, and the material in that book looks way more politically correct than the material in my psych. book if that were possible. It’s OK though. Provides for some entertaining reading.

On Saturday we’re going to dissect a crayfish with the neighbor kids. Honestly, this critter has insides that are a lot more messed up than those of the worm. It’s going to be epic. 

I also finished my stripey scarf and started Thinkwell Precalculus! I love it! It’s a lot easier to understand, and really really easy for me to use. It’s also got plenty of extra material so if I get stuck I can go and look at it. I think this is going to be really good for me

If I were a rich man, Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum…


A friend passes away


Stripey Scarf!


  1. Audrey

    KELLY! I LOVE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF! Certain males in my family don’t understand, but wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles…if we lived closer, I’d go with you! I’ve started working on my daughters (who must know the way to make a proper home, a quiet home…) so someone will share my enthusiasm eventually! Now I know you’ll have a great birthday…I was thinking about making and shipping you a Mother’s Bistro cake just to make up for that lousy old guy in the bakery, but now my mind can rest easy knowing you’ll be doing JUST FINE!

    Just for the record, my two favorite songs are “Far from the home I love” and “Little Bird” but that’s just today’s top 2…ask me again tomorrow.


  2. Certain Male in the Family




    (… one more time, mouth open really wide.)


    (now, really quick.)


  3. Kelly

    That’s the spirit!! 🙂
    But really, it was awesome. I LOVED it. The venue was amazing, the production was really professional, the singing was great and the story was awesome! I adored it! It totally made up for that grumpy man at the bakery.

    But I still want a Mother Bistro cake. 😉 Or at the very least, the recipe!

  4. Ruthie

    We are also going to be seeing a production of Fiddler on the Roof within the next 2 weeks. My niece has the roll of the eldest daughter in her school’s production. She has attended a charter school with an emphasis on the Arts and we have been able to attend some professional-grade performances over the 6 years she has been attending. How coincidental!

  5. Ruthie

    I should have started my post….all day long I’d bitty bitty bum, if I were a weathly man!

  6. …If I were a wealthy man. I wouldn’t have to work hard, Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum…

    How cool is that?!! VERY coincidental… I’d love to find something like what your niece does. The town we lived in in Oregon had a great little community theatre that was really fun to go to! The local schools also occasionally put on plays. I want to find something like that near here.

    Enjoy the play!!! 🙂

  7. Ruthie

    Well, it IS an hour north of us, but it is also a great excuse to visit the folks and support the kids, also , my kids get a bit of culture!

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