We got a message from work last night telling us not to come into work until 10:00 this morning. It is currently 15 degrees with a lot of ice on the roads. I am thankful not to have to go until things thaw out a little. The kids are going full bore back on their homeschool after about a half day of real work yesterday. They had a great time in the snow with the neighbor kids and on our three-day weekend in Tennessee, but we got behind on a number of things.
In the meantime, my USGS friend called and I am back to work on the water particle inspection project. I am hoping to send him a new program today. It will be good to get back into our routine.
How was your commute this morning? Mine was quite an adventure. Apparently almost every company gave a start time at 10am. It took me an hour to go what usually only takes 30 minutes. The roads weren’t great but they weren’t bad either, just LOTS of traffic. Didn’t see any incidents, so that was good. I did have a bit of a scary sliding moment heading out of our neighborhood since it wasn’t salted or scraped. But, the car seemed to think it had the situation under control and flashed lights, beeped, and braked for me! I did eventually stop before the line but wasn’t sure for a few moments if it would be the middle of the intersection before it did!
It was absolutely crazy out where we live. The subdivision was pure ice, then we had varying degrees of slipperiness until we got to 401. After that, everything was pretty much dry. Be careful on the way to Rosa’s house tonight!