The last four days were too eventful to describe in just one post, so I will take a couple of days to describe our four day weekend down in Demorest, Georgia. Lorena and the kids came to my work here in Morrisville on Friday afternoon after Christian’s guitar lesson. We drove straight from there down to Buford, Georgia where our good friend Myrna lives with her husband Rene, their two year old twins, Rey and Victoria, and their new little baby boy, David. We have known Rene’s family from Medina, Mexico, but had never met Rene until this weekend. It was a nice drive (in spite of the surly service we received at a Subway on the way). When we arrived, Victoria ran out with her arms out to be picked up. She is an absolute doll and we instantly fell in love with her as we did with Rey and David, too. Rey is the Energizer Bunny. He is a very physical boy who is moving all the time–running, pushing his cars around, hammering things–just in constant motion. He is also a very sweet boy. At the end of the last meeting, he was just worn out, so he saw a lady none of us had ever met before, ran up to her, and held up his arms. She was a little surprised, but she picked him up and held him for forty minutes or so while she slept on her shoulder. She fell in love with him, too.
Went to our church convention after spending the night at Rene and Myrna’s house. There, we met Rene’s brothers Agusto, Luis, and Froylan along with Froy’s wife Blanca. We really enjoyed the chance to get to know them a little. We hope they come to visit us some day soon–they do not live too far from us. Here are some pictures we took at the end of the convention of the whole Mexican crew:

Victoria and Rey


Todos los Mexicanos

Ken, Lorena, y Rey
We met a whole bunch of homeschoolers and an old Cuban friend, too. I will talk about them tomorrow and the next day.
July 7, 2004 – Counter offer from ATS
July 8, 2004 – Staying in Albany (photos)
I’m glad y’all had a great time at Demorest and I’m enjoying hearing all about it! Before I left Atlanta I was going to mtg at the Davis’ with Myrna and Rene and she was pregnant with the twins. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s continuation!
Thanks Catherine. We had a great time down. There are truly some stellar folks in Georgia. We even met some North Carolina transplants who seemed to be happy down there! Now I wish we could be a Metter.
Hi Ken,
Can you tell me what does “meeting” mean? Is it a church-wide convention? What is your religious affiliation? What a handsome looking bunch!
Ken, Lorena, Kelly and Christian, Nice to hear about your trip to Georgia and see pictures too. Thanks for sending them. Sounds like a fun time. Love. Grandma C
Hi Ruthie. We belong to a small church that meets in homes. A ‘meeting’ is just when one of the churches meets in one of the homes. When a meeting gets too big–over twenty people or so–our ministers start up another meeting in another home. We really do not have an affiliation. We are non-denominational group that tries to stay as close to the new testament model as possible. Part of that is that we meet in homes. The conventions are kind of like the meetings. They are usually an annual meeting of all the meetings in an area. In the United States, there are generally a couple per state, but we have them all over the world. As soon as one gets up to a thousand or so, another one is started so they do not get too crowded and impersonal.
Thanks for the compliment. It was really great to be with those people. We stayed with them one night when we first got to Georgia and they invited us over to their home for a ‘carne asada’ after the last meeting, but we did not have time because we had a six hour drive to get back to Georgia. We are hoping to go back down there again, maybe next spring. They might come up to visit us in Raleigh when Lorena’s brothers come up in January or February.