Our good friends from the Charlotte area are coming for a visit.  John and Terrie and their three kids.  It should be a lot of fun.  Kelly and Christian want to go ice skating or something like that, but it will all be decided when the everyone is together.  I know the boys want to try out the hovercraft and Christian will want to show everyone his new cat tower project.  I hope to get there in time to have dinner with everyone before the return home.  We are very much looking forward to having them.

Last night Kelly and Christian left a Harvest package on our neighbor, Kasey’s front door step.  They got much joy out of doing that.  We also found that our bible study is going to be switched from Wednesday night to Thursday night, so we they will be able to be with Kasey for their big party.  I need to remind them to let Kasey now they will be there!