Last night Kelly and I spent a few minutes together to help her get the hang of her knitting a little better.  It is not that difficult to knit, but is difficult to knit well until you have practiced a little.  She and I are going to sit together about fifteen minutes per night while she gets the hang of it.  We kind of gave up on the fuzzy yarn for awhile, but it is pretty hard to work with while we are learning.  In the meantime, Christian is trying to figure out how to pearl.  It looks like we are in for a rainy weekend, so it will be the perfect time to keep banging away at our knitting.

Last night we did another chapter in our Fallacy Detective book.  It really is turning into a pretty good book now that we have gotten past the introduction.  There appeared to be a little bit of that insecure homeschool attitude thing going on there that we fight so hard against in our own homeschool program.  So far, we have been through red herrings, ad hominem attacks, and genetic fallacies.  We certainly are learning the fallacies and the practice sections at the end of each chapter reinforce what we learned before.