"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Lots of Thanksgiving preparation

Homeschool day 62 of 180
Government school day 51 of 170

We are having around 25 people over for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Lorena is working really hard and has done a stellar job of getting ready (Thank goodness for my dear wife!). The house is almost ready. We have a new table and will bring in some chairs to make up for what we do not have from Jim and JoAnn because their big party is not until Saturday (Thank goodness for the Waldos, again!). The turkey and the ham are bought. I have to cook them and will do a little investigation about that tonight as I we have never before used our convection oven to do such a thing (Thank goodness for the internet!). Aunt Julia is bringing pies and Aunt Jean is bringing her famous cinnamon rolls (Thank goodness for sisters who know how to cook desserts–or, in Aunt Julia’s case, buy them at CostCo! It should be noted that Aunt Julia is an establish cook of some renown, just too busy to cook for the next month or so.). If he gets over his flu, Grandpa Milo will be here with his signature fruit plate and whirlwind organizing influence. Grandma Sarah is making the stuffing and the green beans (Thank goodness for experience). Uncle Ron and Aunt Wonlyn are bringing a vegetarian dish that we will combine with Portobello mushrooms for the vegetarians among us (Thank goodness for some very interesting eats and good company to help make and eat them!).

There is much more, too. We are glad Lorena’s cousin Martha and her husband Tony and son Josh will be with us this year along with our cousins Tim and David Mecum and David’s wife Valerie. All the cousins on the Chapman side will be there–Amy (with husband Mark), Charlie, Julia (with a friend from Dartmouth), and Kylee (maybe with one of her school friends). Our good friend Warren (Miss Turbone) will be there with his friend Isabel from Miami, too. We should be able to eat ourselves sick and be thankful for it all!


Sleepover at Skyler’s


A couple of interesting articles



  2. Dad


  3. Dad

    that was a fake yeaaaaaaaah, Dad. Besides you aren’t supposed to say “yeah” remember?

  4. Dad

    That was a yeaaaaaa, as in rah, rah, yeaaaaaaaaa, not yeah!!!

  5. Dad

    Oh, I stand corrected then.

  6. Dad

    Did you like my new progress bar???

  7. Kelly

    Yes, yes, uh huhhhhhhhhhhhh, what was that post that you put yesterday about again? 😀 It is very cool.

  8. Dad

    Yesterday’s post was so, so…………………………….Yesterday.

  9. Kelly

    That was soooo slang Dad. U no wat i mean? Totally weirdo man…

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