"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: November 22, 2006

Cornell note taking system

The FreshMeat website features a list of newly released, open source software.  I periodically browse through the site to see if there is anything new and interesting.  Earlier today, I found a link to a piece of software named Notalon.  Their website describes the application as one that is “designed to make taking Cornell notes faster and easier. It is written specifically for the task of taking Cornell notes, unlike a word processor.”  I had never heard of Cornell Notes, so I looked that up on the internet and found something that was very cool.  It is a method for taking notes in a class.  There is a good little explanation of how to take Cornell Notes at lifehacker.  I think I am going to have Kelly and Christian start taking hand-written notes at Sunday afternoon gospel meetings.  I am going to start doing that myself, too.  Then on Mondays we can do the post sermon review to finish the notes.  It will be great practice for when they get to college!  Of course, in college they can use a laptop computer to take notes for most of the classes.  I do not think it would work very well to use a computer for chemistry or math classes because of all the symbols, but the format still works and it would be great for just about everything else.  It almost makes me want to go back to college.  Almost.


It’s wonderful!  It’s terrific! It’s spectacular!  It’s astounding!  94.5 FM already has Christmas songs!  ‘Tis the season!  Hurrah!  Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to turn on the radio for great classic Christmas songs!  Boy this just about made my day!

Thanksgiving!!! (is almost here)

Christian and I cannot wait for Thanksgiving (even though this is probably the third time we have cleaned up the bonus room). 🙂 We are making special little books for our cousins. These books are traditions now. This is Julia’s third book and Kylee and Charlie’s first book. They contain “versions” of the subject. So in Kylee’s book there could be rock ‘n’ roll Kylee, Santa Kylee, turkey Kylee, Martha Stewart Kylee, anything! They are really fun to make. We are also looking forward to seeing Julia. I don’t think I have seen her in two years! I wish she was staying a little bit longer. And Tim, David, and Valerie Meecum are coming! They are cool. Miss Turbone and a friend are coming. Tony, Martha, and Josh are coming. Lot’s of people! Christian and I will be making the ambrosia salad I think, and we will be setting the table, putting together some of the cold vegetables, and other odd jobs that Mom and Dad don’t feel like doing. 🙂

A couple of interesting articles

I found a couple of very interesting articles yesterday. They pretty much speak for themselves. The first one, I found in an article by J.P. Holding responding to a silly, but widely read little book titled Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. The second is an article in World Magazine that now that secularists have lost the argument about the truth of Christianity, they are now trying to argue that Christianity is evil. Alone, each of the articles is very interesting. Together they make a powerful statement.

Update:  And here is a third that also seems to fit:  Atheism Kills, Jesus Saves — H.T. Free Republic

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