"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Flying, projects and talking with Texas on Skype

Homeschool day 38 of 180
Government school day 30 of 175½

Yesterday afternoon after work the whole family went to see a friend from work (Jeremy Young) fly his model airplane at a local park that is specifically set up for that. It has special tables for setting up the airplanes before they fly, a runway, and lots of room for flying. Jeremy could do loops, rolls, and all kinds of amazing maneuvers. It was a LOT of fun and made me realize that we need to start up a project or two for this winter that involves putting stuff together. The kids are still putting out a magazine every couple of months and have big plans for that, but we really need to find something that is non-computer related. Maybe we can do something Christian can control with his Mindstorm robotics equipment. Maybe I could add some machine vision to it. We need to give it some serious thought. It would be nice if we could tie it into what we are learning at homeschool, too.

Then, last night, the Larson’s called from Texas. They had gotten their webcam going with Skype. They got a VERY cool camera that has a rotational axis and a motor that causes the camera to stay pointed at a person as he moves around. It was AMAZING how clear it was. The Larson boys are going to start submitting an article for Kelly’s and Christian’s magazine. Skype should be a big help in facilitating that. They are making big strides with the magazine. They have added a guest column as a regular feature, are planning to start doing more interviews, will publish the magazine as a PDF file on this web site, will blog about the magazine more, and most importantly, plan to develop a homepage for the magazine. Stay tuned…


Studying math


Computer troubles


  1. Kelly

    I love how you put the government school day! 175 and a half. We are SO good!

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