Homeschool day 47 of 180
Government school day 37 of 170

Halloween is such an irritating triffle of a holiday. Pumpkin carving is virtually the only thing I like about it. I guess when kids are very little it is kind of neat to see them dress up in their costumes, but only when they dress up as princesses and heros. It saddens me to see little (and big) children goulishly adorned. What are their parents thinking? This halloween could be even more challenging in that everyone, but Kelly (keep your fingers crossed Kelly) either has a cold replete with sore throats, runny noses, and achey bones.

Last night, Kelly and I had another one of our wonderful evenings together. She worked on her homework and I helped her color her thank-you note to the Ramsdells. Christian will have to do his thank-you note today because he went to his cubscout pack meeting last night with Lorena. Lorena is right in the middle of her calculus class, so she constantly has too much to do. Nevertheless, she took the time to go to the meeting with Christian, who was the “Denner” last night. That is the guy that leads the flag ceremony and helps hand out all of the prizes and badges. Lorena took some pictures and had the chance to forget the worries of the day while at the pack meeting. I think she enjoys them as much as Christian.