"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Music lessons

Homeschool day 35 of 180

Yesterday was a day to get excited about music lessons. Christian had his guitar lesson yesterday. Lorena is studying for her first big calculus midterm on Monday, so she sat in the music store and listened while Christian took his lesson. I wish I could have been there because Lorena tells me it was pretty amazing. Lorena tells us that the instructor plays along with Christian as they go through the lesson so that Christian can hear how each piece should sound if played correctly. His practice sessions at home are sounding better and better all the time, too. It will take awhile for the comfort level to build up, but he is definitely getting there. Lorena bought him a music stand yesterday so he does not have to go into contortions to play his guitar and look at the music at the same time.

Equally amazing are Kelly’s latest efforts. She has been working on playing the hymns in our hymn book as a way to practice her sight reading. She needs to practice 45 minutes per day, six days per week. That schedule can be pretty onerous, especially when it comes to the weekends, but we have come up with a great idea. Nothing is nicer when you are getting ready to go to meeting or reading your bible on a Sunday morning than listening to the hymns. Our plan is that she will do her weekend practices on Sunday morning, working only on playing the hymns by sight reading. It is amazing how many more of the hymns she can play now than just three or four months ago. She only has the right hand for many of them, but is slowly working them out on both hands. It is fun to watch and listen.


Dad Forgot!




  1. Kelly

    Dad, about my previous book: \”THE BIG WAVE\”, SONLIGHT fouled it up with it. The book doesn\’t go into very much detail, and the time frame skips from month to year with no signs of change of weather. Instead it says something like \”later\”, and the storyline was slightly mediocre
    of course like all of the other sonlight books, the setting went dead in the line with my history, and captured some of my other history.

  2. Kelly

    P.S. Dad, do I have to write up commodore perry?

  3. Kelly

    P.S.S. How do I post up anothe word in our “COOL PHRASES WE WANT TO USE” list?

  4. Dad

    No. We can talk about it tonight or tomorrow.

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