"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Our friends are great!

Homeschool day 29 of 180

Mondays and Wednesdays are very busy in the Chapman household this term. In the morning, the kids go to swimming lessons, in the afternoon, Lorena goes to her calculas class, then on Monday evenings Lorena and Christian go to their cubscout den meeting, and on Wednesday evenings we go to our weekly bible study. Yesterday was particularly busy. Between when I got home from work and started in on the homeschool, Spencer Cannon called. He wanted to know if it would be a good day for him to come over to mow the lawn. I told him come on over. His dad, Mike, brings him and then sits in his pick-up and reads the newspaper while Spencer mows the lawn. I did not have too much time and barely got the homeschool work finished (kind of), but Mike and I have such a good time just hanging out and talking that I could not resist going out and shooting the breeze with him for awhile (note to us: We need to have Mike, Rhonda, and family over SOON!). They stuck around a little while extra because the talk was interesting and we had to wait for Lorena to come home to pay Spencer because I could not find the checkbook.

Then just as we got in the house after Lorena wrote Spencer a check, Nancy R. called and said the meeting would be at their house tonight because of a series of unfortunate events at Steve and Elena’s house. Mark and Nancy’s house is further from us than Steve and Elena’s so we had to leave for meeting earlier than usual to get there on time. Nobody had eaten anything since lunch time and there was not really any time to fix anything so we drove through the drive-through at Jack-In-the-Box. We were running late, but got into a grand conversation with the Mexican kid working the window at Jack-in-the-Box about his very good English skills, his plans to go to Oregon State to study Mechanical Engineering, and his upbringing in Oaxaca and Mexico City. We got to meeting on time and is was one of those really awesome meetings because it was out of the usual and the workers just happened to be there. We stuck around and talked to everyone for at least 45 minutes after meeting.

All in all, it was a very satisfying day.

Question of the day: I am reading in Leviticus right now. It surely seems that Lev 19:28 could apply to tatoos. Could that be possible? It says, “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. “


The Waldos go to Washington


A productive day


  1. Kelly

    I have a book here that Vicki gave me, it refers to a different version of the Bible but it say’s that Lev 19:28 says do not put tatoo marks on yourselves. (It’s not a bad book, I hardly ever read the Biblical references |-: I dunno. Besides, isn’t Leviticus the book where they have all the Old Testament rules? I dunno. Don’t ask me!

  2. Dad

    I think your book was very correct in this matter. There are a lot of things in the Old Testament that still apply to us today. Only the things that changed with the new covenant in Christ that are different. There is much discussion about what some of those things are, but this one certainly seems like it might apply. Remember, though, the laws about loving God and loving others as Christ loved others are the two laws by which everything should be measured. That seems to make a lot of this more obvious to me.

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