Now that the newness is wearing off, it is a little bit of a challenge right now to live right on top of each other in an apartment.  I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are kind of up in the air with respect to where we will be living.  It has been good to be relatively busy with Lavan Jampa and Beto and his family.  We will probably continue to be busy for quite awhile.  We will be going to see Craig Parish’s sister and her homeschooling family this weekend, special meeting is coming up, Kelly’s birthday is coming up, a group of the friends are getting together to go camping at a lake over spring break.  After that, we will be getting close to the end of the school year and it might be time for Lorena and the kids to run down to Mexico to visit Grandpa Lauro and Grandma Conchita for awhile.  Hopefully, by then we will have the house sold in Oregon, so we can figure out where to live here.