I have not written much on our Wednesday night bible study group. I thought I should comment on it a little today. It is an exceptional group. Last night we had a birthday party after meeting for Rene Parish. It turns out that once per month, we have a birthday party, complete with cake and presents, for everyone in the meeting who has a birthday during that month. It is a lot of fun. It is obvious that everyone in the meeting cares about each other and takes responsibility for being there. Dale Sorenson is currently working in Ft. Worth. Every Wednesday, he has to drive all the way across Dallas in the worst traffic of the day to get home, barely in time to turn around and come half way back to come to meeting. I think he has missed meeting only once since we have been here and that was for special circumstances. The meetings themselves are pretty exceptional, too. People obviously make an effort in their preparations.

On another note, Quality Corners lost its bid to win some new business with Orepac in Phoenix. It really would have been nice to have a good chunk of new business from them, but it sounds like they are getting their product from a local supplier who does not pay a whole lot of attention to quality so the price is pretty low. It is not the kind of business we like, but it was still disappointing. I think we should offer one of our current distributors for the area a great price on our specially manufactured cheap base corners and try to win some of that business away from them at the end user level.