We went to the Myer’s house last night for our Wednesday night bible study and Christian, for the first time, both prayed and gave a testimony. He did great and everyone appreciated it very much. The kids continue to do great in their homeschool. We keep working out a few odds and ends, especially with our new programs. We are still tweaking the math a little. The exercise sections of the Singapore Math workbooks are generally too short to just do one a day, while the workbook review sections are about right and the textbook review sections are generally too long to do in one day. We are getting it all worked out, though. I want the kids to work at least until noon everyday and preferably up until about 1:30 or 2:00 in the afternoon. If they have to go until 3:00, that is OK too, if they take some time off for a break to go outside. This will all work out better when swimming and piano lessons start up again.